Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does animal have Emotion and Facial Expression? / Adakah binatang mempunyai emosi dan ekspresi wajah?

Well, from scientific view, although the scientist still not done with their research yet. But, some of the scientist thinks that animal did have a emotion and expression like we human do. But of course animal do not talk to express their emotion. what do you thinks if animal can talk to us to express their feeling? if so, i bet it will make our daily job really easier right? haha.. plus we human can understand animal better if their do really talk.

Back to my topic, from my opinion and observation, animal did have emotion and expression. But, how do they express their feeling and emotion is by their behavior and action. For example, when a tiger or lion get their meal for lunch, their definitely don't want to be disturbed. To express their emotion, their will be so aggressive and  make some threatening voice before trying to hurting somebody that try to get near them. Same thing also happen when animal get depress and stress out. Although that animal really is a tame animal, when its get angry because of depression, stress or annoyed, that animal has a potential to harm his/her guardian or other people.

The threatening voice i'm mean is like the video below

Does animal have a facial expression? i'm not so sure about this. But one thing i'm certain. When i look a picture below, maybe animal do had a facial expression..

 "Killer Smile"
LOL :p

Dari perspektif saintifik, walaupun kajian mengenai perkara ini masih belum terbukti lagi, akan tetapi berberapa penyelidik berpendapat binatang memang mempunyai  emosi dan air muka seperti yang terdapat pada manusia seperti kita. Tetapi, sudah semestinya mereka tidak bercakap untuk meluahkan apa yang terkandung dalam perasaan mereka. Apa pendapat anda jika mereka betul-betul dapat bercakap untuk meluahkan emosi mereka? sudah tentu kita akan lari lintang pukang betul? Dan mungkin juga kita akan memahami mereka dengan lebih baik jika mereka boleh bercakap.
Berbalik pada topik, dari perspektif saya sendiri dan juga dari pemerhatian saya, binatang memang mempunyai emosi dan ekspresi. Bagaimana mereka meluahkan emosi mereka ialah dengan tingkah laku dan perbuatan mereka. Sebagai contoh, bila harimau atau singa sedang menjamu selera dengan hasil tangkapan mereka, sudah tentu mereka tidak mahu diganggu. Untuk mengekspresikan emosi itu, mereka akan lebih agressif dari biasa dan akan mengeluarkan bunyi seakan-akan mengancam sesiapa yang mahu menghampirinya.  Contoh bunyi yang dimaksudkan seperti yang tertera di video dibawah.

Begitu juga jika binatang itu stress/ tertekan. Walaupun mereka binatang yang jinak sekalipun, jika mereka terasa tertekan, rasa terganggu dan sebagainya, mereka akan berpotensi mencederakan penjaga mereka atau orang lain. Kucing juga tak terkecuali.

Adakah binatang mempunyai raut wajah untuk melahirkan ekspresi mereka seperti senyum dan sebagainya? Itu saya tak berapa pasti. Akan tetapi, apa yang pasti setelah saya melihat gambar dibawah.. Mungkin binatang  memang mempunyai raut wajah. 

"Senyuman Pembunuh"
Haha.. :p

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why Do Tigers Have Stripes? / Kenapa Harimau Mempunyai Belang?

Just as lions, tigers are the largest family of cats. They are among the most feared animals that live in the jungle and forest.  Most tigers live in the continent of Asia especially the wild one.

Although there are many assumptions that says why do tigers have stripes, usually the features we can see on an animal is coming from the adaptation of surrounding environment itself. This is to protect animals from other predator or threats. So, why do tigers have stripes? The line in the body of this tiger is intended as camouflage.
If they are the most feared animals, why are they still need to disguise themselves?  Tiger live and hunt in the forest filled with plants and shrubs. So, to hunt, they had to sneak out without being detected. That's why 1'm like to call them  "the hidden predator".

Many researchers and scientists believe that most animals are color blind and not able to see the colors clearly.If you look closely, the tiger stripes is quite similar to grass. So, the victim will be difficult to recognize its presence thus this will give an advantage to tigers for their hunting ..

Sama seperti singa, harimau adalah yang terbesar sekali dalam keluarga kucing. Mereka juga adalah antara haiwan paling ditakuti yang hidup di dalam hutan. Kebanyakan harimau tinggal di benua asia.

Walaupun terdapat banyak andaian mengatakan kenapa harimau mempunyai belang, akan tetapi, apa yang pasti, ciri-ciri yang ada pada sesuatu haiwan itu, adalah sebagai adaptasi dari persekitaran sekeliling. Ini bertujuan untuk melindungi haiwan itu sendiri dari ancaman-ancaman yang datang. Jadi, kenapa harimau mempunyai belang? belang yang ada pada badan harimau ini adalah bertujuan sebagai penyamaran. 

Jika mereka haiwan yang paling ditakuti, kenapa mereka masih perlu untuk menyamar? Harimau juga dikenali sebagai antara pemburu yang terhandal dalam kelasnya. Mereka hidup dan memburu didalam hutan yang dipenuhi oleh tumbuhan dan semak-samun. Jadi, untuk memburu, mereka perlu menghendap dan menyelinap tanpa dikesan mangsanya. 

Kebanyakan para penyelidik dan saintis percaya yang kebanyakan haiwan liar adalah buta warna atau tidak mampu untuk melihat warna dengan jelas. Jika dilihat, belang yang ada harimau agak menyerupai rumput. Jadi, mangsa akan sukar untuk menyedari kehadirannya dan sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu harimau didalam pemburuannya..

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pet care Tips

Human Emotions and Animal Psyches

The well-being of our pets is affected by our feelings. Most dogs and cats form strong bonds with their owners, the people they depend on for food, shelter, safety and affection. That's why it's especially important for them to tune into our emotional cues. Except for perhaps a few brief verbal commands or names, pets rely completely on the emotional messages communicated by our posture, tone of voice, facial expressions and, well, just plain feelings in the air.

As a result of this connection, pets often seem to soak up angry, sad or fearful feelings from family members who are experiencing tension or conflict over issues that have nothing to do with the animal. Frequent arguments in the home are especially stressful for a pet, who may react with irritability or fear. Emotional tensions in particular may affect health problems that have either a behavioral component (such as increased aggressiveness, destructiveness or extreme restlessness) or a nervous component (such as irritated skin, ears, bladder and the like).

Just as a pet might react to losses, an emotionally stressed animal with a predisposition to skin or bladder problems, for example, might scratch or urinate still more, further irritating the tissues and setting
up the conditions for a vicious circle.

Other times, the owner's anxious emotions and expectations can aggravate a pet's existing health problem. Most commonly, an owner becomes upset on first noticing that a family pet is not feeling well. Deeply worried that the condition may worsen or even become fatal, the owners may be afraid of doing something wrong in treatment and losing their dear friend as a result. The animal senses this anxiety.
Something must be wrong! The uncertainty only increases the pet's anxiety, which may already be heightened by the discomfort of illness. The animal may even begin to hide.

Fearful and stressed, your pet may have a diminished capacity to heal.
Conversely, your calm, positive response to a pet's first symptoms relaxes and reassures the animal, helping to strengthen its immune response. All else being equal, I have observed time and time again that the animals likeliest to recover from chronic and difficult illnesses are those whose owners manage to be calm and maintain a positive outlook. While it may be difficult to find calm
in the face of suffering, it's the best thing you can do for your animal.
Besides sending a danger signal to your pet, your anxiety could also hinder treatment. Clients have often told me that in acting from fear or a sense of urgency they made decisions that they later regretted. When animals get tumors or cancers their owners often feel under tremendous pressure to have the growths immediately removed, as though every passing hour were critical. But there is no evidence to support such urgency. In fact, the stress of the surgery can make the
animal even more difficult to treat when using less drastic methods.

Similarly, the intense scratching that accompanies skin allergies sometimes drives owners to get corticosteroids, which can undo several weeks of progress resulting from nutritional and homeopathic treatment. True healing of chronic disease requires, above all, patience. The desire for immediate relief is very seductive. That's the appeal of using strong drugs to control symptoms. But since they don't actually cure the underlying ailment, the illness recurs, gradually worsening over time or taking a different and more difficult form.

Over-anxiety can also push owners to jump from one veterinarian or treatment to the next, whether conventional or holistic. This can overwhelm and confuse your pet's body, never allowing any one method a chance to work. On the flip side, worry and discouragement can lead owners to give up on medical treatment without really trying
For you, it's regular exercise, watching what you eat, annual medical and dental check-ups and good, clean living. What about for your pet?

Exercise: Most cats manage to get enough exercise by themselves playing games, but dogs usually want to play with their owners. It's important that you ensure your pet is getting regular exercise. Besides, walking and playing with your pet is an excellent way to reduce stress and get you outdoors, too.

Nutrition: Consult your veterinarian about the proper diet for your pet. The type of food can often vary given your pets' age, health and weight. It's also important to try to feed your pet the same food regularly. Any sudden switches can cause stomach upset.

Annual Check-ups and Vaccinations: It is crucial that your pet sees a veterinarian at least once a year and receives the appropriate vaccines. You should also have a fecal exam done at the same time. Regular dental examinations and cleaning is as important for your pet as it is for you. Speak to your veterinarian about the services offered and take advantage of them.

Sleeping: Sleeping arrangements should be provided well away from the hustle and bustle of the family in a warm, dry and draught-free position. Depending on where you live, you may decide to keep your cat indoors, in which case you will need to provide a litter tray which will need to be refreshed daily. There is nothing wrong in keeping cats indoors. However, you should try to provide a stimulating environment, with lots of things to play and lots of places to hide and sleep. A house cat will also seek more attention from you. Cats can get themselves into danger in the home and you should keep such hazards as trailing electrical cords and cleaning chemicals well out of reach. They will also seek out warm places to sleep and you should always check inside washing machines and tumble dryers before using them.

Neutering: Neutering makes sense, unless you particularly wish to have a litter or participate in cat shows. Male cats that have not been neutered tend to wander for long periods and often return home with wounds from fights. They also mark their territory including "spraying" objects in the home. When neutered, they make better house cats, fight less and tend to live longer. If they are not neutered, female cats will come into season regularly and if they are allowed out, will undoubtedly become pregnant. Your veterinarian will advise you when your cat is mature enough to be neutered, but it can usually be done around the age of 5-6 months. It is a routine procedure and recovery is usually uneventful. 

"from my opinion:, I really don't like this method.From Neutering animal you will indirectly torturing physically and mentally from its natural desire. Imagine if you Neutering someone who really want a baby. How they will feel about it. I wonder.. But, if thing is getting worse for your pet, your family and other people, and have no other choice, i guess you still can use this method though .. "

Hygiene: Hygiene need not be a problem with a healthy, well cared for cat, provided you observe a few simple precautions:

• Provide them with their own feeding and drinking bowls and wash them separately from the family utensils.
• Don't allow your cat to walk on kitchen surfaces.
• Allow them free access to outside or train them to use a litter tray and refresh it daily.
• Encourage your cat to soil in a particular part of the garden. They like dry sharp sand and will use this in preference to soil. It is very easy to refresh, by burying or disposing of the waste safely.
• Cover children's sand pits when they are not being used.
• Never feed your cat uncooked meat or fish and have a fecal exam conducted annually by your veterinarian.
• Keep a careful watch on your cat and if you notice any signs of illness, get him treated promptly by your veterinarian

this very useful article i'm taking from